GPAT (Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test) Admit Card 2024 is the key document to carry for the candidates who are going to appear in GPAT entrance examinations for the year 2024. GPAT exam is a common test for admission into M.Pharm course conducted every year for students all over the nation. It is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The GPAT is recognized as a pharmacy entrance examination that containing questions on different areas like pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry.
The GPAT 2024 Admit Card has not been released yet and it will be available before the exam in January 2024 on the official website. It has to be downloaded and a hard copy has to be taken along while taking the exam along with a photo id as mentioned in the application form. The details in the Admit Card include candidate’s name, roll number, date of the examination, time of the examination, name and address of the examination center and some special instructions.
Feature | Details |
Conducting Authority | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Name Of The Examination | Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test |
Level Of Examination | National Level Entrance Exam |
Admit Card Date | 3 Jun 2024 |
Official Website | https://gpat.nta.nic.in/ |
Feature | Details |
Exam Date | June 8, 2024 (Sunday) |
1. To apply for the NTA GPAT, you must go directly to the website www.gpat.nta.nic.in.
2. You can find the link related to GPAT admit card 2024 below.
3. Click on the link ‘Applicant Login’, then type your application number and date of birth then submit.
4. The next that will appear on the screen is your GPAT admit card.
5. It is also important to ensure that your name is correct, your course and exam centre details, your roll number, date of the exam and time etc.
6. Also check whether the photo you have scanned and the signature is visible properly on the hall ticket or not.
7. If there is any discrepancy in the submitted details, then it is advised to connect with NTA for the rectification.
8. Carry 2-3 photocopies of the admit card, as it is one of the crucial documents that must be taken to the exam centre.
1. Admit card – The candidate must produce a legitimate admit card at the center for examination this is a prerequisite for entry into the center without it the candidate will not be allowed into the center.
2. photo identification: As mentioned earlier a candidate is expected to present valid identity card with name and Date of Birth such as Aadhar card, voter ID card, driving license, passport etc.
3. Extra picture – There is an additional requirement of extra picture with the candidate which is same as the picture uploaded at the time of examination form fill up, for pasting the attendance sheet.
4. PwD certificate – The PwD candidates are required to produce the disability certificate issued by the Competent Authority in order to get the allowances in connection with examination as per the provisions.
Feature | Details |
Marking Scheme | There is negative marking for incorrect answers. |
Marks per Correct Answer | 4 Marks |
Marks per Incorrect Answer | -1 Mark (One mark will be deducted) |
Marks for Unattempted Questions | No marks are deducted for unattempted questions. |
Total Marks | 500 Marks |
1. Candidate's Name and Roll Number: Specifications like the full name of the candidate as mentioned in the application form and the roll number of the candidate shall be printed on the admit card.
2. Exam Name and Date: The Admit card also clearly specifies the name of the exam as ”Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT)” and the date on which the examination is to be held.
3. Exam Time: The timings of the GPAT exam are clearly provided on the admit card whether it will be in the morning or in the evening shift. Candidates are to arrive at the exam center half an hour before the exams begin.
4. Exam Center Details: Some of the information includes the name of the exam center, its location including the geographical address, phone and fax numbers, and time of reporting.
5. Examiner's Signature Space: Blank space for the examiner’s signature on the verification process during the exam centre. They must carry it and have it signed and returned to them after the examination is over.
6. Important Exam Day Instructions: Catalogue of instructions on general conduct during exam day such as the type of dress code, and permissible/prohibited items in the exam hall, the rules and regulation of the exam are availed for candidate’s compliance.